Tourism and Conservation

Natural resource management strategies, monitoring and surveillance of protected areas and responsible practice of productive activities are fundamental for the preservation of complete and functional natural systems. Simultaneously, they are the way to ensure that the quality, quantity and diversity of these ecosystems are sustainable over time. We provide the necessary scientific support to design pertinent management strategies coupled with electric mobility technologies, ensuring the preservation of nature and ensuring the subsistence of communities from these resources.

Tests at PNN Uramba Bahía Malaga

In October 2018, we visited the Uramba Bahía Málaga PNN located west of the Valle del Cauca department. With the support of National Parks of Colombia and the community of the La Plata Community Council, tests were carried out on outboard electric motors in tourism activities. The objective of this test was to inform residents of the community and the park rangers of the area about mobility option that allows the decoupling of fossil fuels and facilitate the monitoring, tourism and artisanal fishing activities practiced in the area, thus generating environmental, social and economic solutions.

The results were positive and very well received by the community, especially the community organization Ecomanglar. The identified benefits are among others, an efficient energy consumption, autonomy in the performance of ecotourism activities and the flexibility and great ease in activities such as bird watching due to the noise-free advantages.

Título de Noticia

Universidad de los Andes | Vigilada Mineducación
Reconocimiento como Universidad: Decreto 1297 del 30 de mayo de 1964.
Reconocimiento personería jurídica: Resolución 28 del 23 de febrero de 1949 Minjusticia.


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