Artisanal Fisheries

We ensure the implementation of good practices in each of the processes and support communities in the construction of logistics platforms and value chains as well as responsible local markets that recognize the value of products derived from sustainable productive activities.

iNNoPiangua: Sustainable Value Chain in Artisanal Fisheries

The initiative "sustainable value chains in artisanal fishing" that is carried out in Iscuandé, Nariño, on the Pacific coast of Colombia is a project led by the University of the Andes in conjunction with HTW Berlin. It is possible due to the partnership with iNNpulsa and the German BMBF co-financing. It is carried out by the Community Fisheries Effort Council (CCEP) with a focus on the distribution and marketing of piangüa.

This initiative encompasses two fundamental approaches:

The first is to highlight the importance of mobility as a transforming agent, especially in rural areas. In these areas, there are great deficiencies in infrastructure, thus making mobility in its aquatic modality (rivers, seas, lagoons, estuaries) very challenging. Nonetheless, its role as a medium to move goods and services, as well as a strategic space for economic activity remains. Therefore, this initiative seeks to integrate the nautical electromobility tool (electric outboard motors) to the conditions of piangüa fishing. This technology reduces noise levels, provides greater autonomy and suppresses emissions of air pollutants. Ultimately, it facilitates the decouplement from fossil fuels. The implementation of this technology as a comprehensive tool provides the space to generate a simultaneous impact in the social, economic and environmental fields.


This is why the second aspect is bounded to the valorization of artisanal fishing chains in national and international markets. Initially, a cluster with restaurants and strategic partners that allow the structuring of value chains and that establish distribution and marketing channels for fishery products has been worked on to form a cluster. Simultaneously, the sustainability of the resource and the prosperity of the communities that live from it have been ensured. Specifically, the project seeks to provide an improvement in its activities to the 5,500 families that rely on the recollection of the piangüa mollusk, Anadara tuberculosa. This species is collected by hand by women who venture into the mangrove forests and collect the shells one by one, passing their legacy from generation to generation.

Fisherwomen from the Community Council Esfuerzo Pescador

With the support of

Título de Noticia

Universidad de los Andes | Vigilada Mineducación
Reconocimiento como Universidad: Decreto 1297 del 30 de mayo de 1964.
Reconocimiento personería jurídica: Resolución 28 del 23 de febrero de 1949 Minjusticia.


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